The MVP IV drip, or Minimum Viable Product Intravenous Drip, is a streamlined and essential infusion therapy designed to deliver a carefully curated combination of vitamins, minerals, and fluids directly into the bloodstream. Tailored to address common nutritional deficiencies and boost overall wellness, the MVP IV drip aims to provide a quick and efficient solution for individuals seeking rapid replenishment and rejuvenation. With a focus on simplicity and effectiveness, this drip often includes key nutrients such as vitamin C, B vitamins, electrolytes, and antioxidants, promoting optimal hydration, immune support, and energy levels. The MVP IV drip is a convenient option for those looking to experience the benefits of intravenous nutrient delivery in a concise and targeted manner.
- Ingredients:
- B-Complex (+B12)
- Normal Saline
- Magnesium Chloride
- Customize your IV drip with any of these great add-ons:
- Amino Acids
- B Complex
- Biotin
- Lipostat
- Magnesium
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
Approximate Treatment Time: Less than 30 minutes