Sexual Dysfunction

Sexual Dysfunction

What is Sexual Dysfunction?

Sexual dysfunction occurs when an individual loses libido and the ability to be aroused. This can affect the sexual organs as well. Often, this issue has to do with underlying medical reasons or past trauma; however, it can be caused by:

  • Medications 
  • Hormonal Imbalances
  • Alcohol or Drug Abuse
  • Self Esteem Issues
  • Psychological Disorders
  • And More

This is a common occurrence in both men and women, but there are solutions to bring back pleasure and enjoyment. At Evolve Medical, we offer proven and effective treatments to ease sexual dysfunction.


Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone therapy can help both men and women and is available in a variety of forms. From pills, creams, and shots, you can replace the hormones you need to feel aroused again. At Evolve, we also offer a pellet injection into the upper buttocks that provides hormone replacement for months–without any work on your part. 

man with both hands on his head


If you are a woman suffering from sexual dysfunction, bring pleasure back with the O-shot®. Using your own nutrient-rich plasma, this treatment can stimulate sensitivity in the clitoral region and help with libido–for a happier, healthier you.


If you are a man suffering from performance issues or other penile disorders, the P-shot® can help significantly. Increase your arousal, libido, sensitivity and size from your own nutrient-rich plasma. One injection brings extraordinary results. 

Ease Sexual Dysfunction in Deer Park, NY

Find a solution that works for you here at Evolve Medical. Bring back your libido and more with one of our safe and effective treatments. 

For scheduling and appointments, call (631) 253-1313 or fill out the request appointment form below.  

Cozy living room


Evolve Medical offers regenerative and aesthetic services in Deer Park, New York. If you’re ready to enhance your beauty and improve your health, get in touch with our team today. To schedule, simply click the button below or give us a call at +1 (631) 253-1313.




We're happy to answer any questions you may have, feel free to call us at
+1 (631) 253-1313